
Friday, June 15, 2007

Intelligent Coast*

A head's up for those who can make it to Europe next month.


Intelligent Coast* is a center of research on coast and tourism. It aims to develop new qualified coast systems with the help of thinkers and experts coming from different fields.

Intelligent Coast* leads a Master Program, a series of Debates and an International Symposium "Tourism XXL. The European Megalopolis."

at CCCB - Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
19 - 20 - 21 of July 2007

Manuel Delanda * Manuel Gausa * Michel Houellebecq * Scott Lash * Rem Koolhaas * Jeremy Rifkin * George Ritzer * Edward W. Soja * José Miguel Iribas * Carlos Ferrater * Raimon Martínez Fraile * Faustino G. Marquéz * Juan Lopez de Uralde * Arnaldo Muñóz * Oriol Nel.lo * Juan Palop * Miguel Ruano * Salvador Rueda * Juan Antonio Sánchez * Federico Soriano * Andreu Ulied * Eugenio Yunis

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