
Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Lunar urbanism 8

Upon relaying today's news that the United States plans to build a permanent base on the moon, the BBC decided to give us a short, visual history of variously imagined moon bases, as drawn by unnamed artists.

In the article itself, we learn that NASA thinks "the best approach is to develop a solar-powered moon base and to locate it near one of the poles of the moon – such as the Shackleton Crater near the South Pole." There, the base "will serve as a science centre and possible stepping stone for manned missions to Mars." It will also serve as an off-world prison for the – wait –
Of course, a permanent lunar base will have the added benefit of "expand[ing] Earth's economic sphere" – something the Russians already seem to have realized.
I'm just waiting to see their first postage stamp. And their flag. And the first moon-born baby – who will grow up to lead a death cult in the deserts of western China. And then the first moon war...
Before the big day when BLDGBLOG wins a three-month residency for lunacy in architectural research...

(See also Lunar urbanism 7 and so on).

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