
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Greater Los Angeles Traffic Galaxies

[Image: David Maisel, from his series Oblivion; the site includes Maisel's brief text on the project].

The Grass Collective has recently uploaded a short, amazingly hypnotic aerial video of nighttime Los Angeles traffic – and I was embarrassingly excited to find that you can actually order a whole DVD (!) of the stuff.
There's only a minute or two available on the site, but I can imagine quite a juicy first date starting off with nothing but an LA traffic DVD, a bearskin rug, maybe fill your bedroom with some car exhaust... Hot.

[Images: David Maisel – who is not actually connected to the Grass Collective video, I just like his stuff – from the Oblivion series].

(Traffic video spotted in Dwell Magazine. See also BLDGBLOG's Knot Driver, including an earlier piece on the geometry of Los Angeles traffic control; for more of David Maisel's photography do not miss Terminal Lake).

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