
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bio-luminescent Trees: WTF?

Bad idea of the week?  The Inhabitat story "Gold Nanoparticles Could Transform Trees Into Street Lights" mentions new research:  "A group of scientists in Taiwan recently discovered that placing gold nanoparticles within the leaves of trees, causes them to give off a luminous reddish glow. The idea of using trees to replace street lights is an ingenious one – not only would it save on electricity costs and cut CO2 emissions, but it could also greatly reduce light pollution in major cities."

:: image via Inhabitat

Is there something inherently wrong with this, or is it just me?  Another case of techno-madness seeking to solve a problem by asking a wildly misguided question?  I see future cross-pollination of 'modified' species, mixing with other hardy invaders to provide glowing urbanscapes - a perpetual daytime that messes with the diurnal cycles of humans and other species, until we, madly, run from cities into the wilderness - but find our way lit like a runway with the dull glowing of plantings from city, to suburb, to wilderness... 

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