
Saturday, February 21, 2009

DailyLand: Copenhagen Waterfront

I was pleased to see the issue of Topos 65, which featured one of the recent DailyLand projects, the Promenade Samuel-De Champlain as well as a veg.itectural gem at the Queens Botanical Garden Visitor's Center. There are a few choice projects to look for soon as well. For this installment, another waterfront project that I had in the queue was this proposal for the Copenhagen Waterfront by JDS: " collaboration with Klar, will redesign the harbour front Kalvebod Brygge as the result of a tender held by the City of Copenhagen, within the newly established ‘Metropolzone’" (via Arch Daily)

The 'borrowing' of the water for habitable space is a great way to extend the edge perimeter fo the waterfront, as well as allowing for people to penetrate and interact with the water. Look at this in the image above in relation to the more traditional waterfront edge on the other side of the bank. Some greenery on this proposal would be nice though as it's looking a bit bare...

:: image via Arch Daily

And additional plan graphic from ArchiCentral

:: image via ArchiCentral

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