
Friday, December 7, 2007

In San Francisco, With Drinks

I'm participating in an event tomorrow night called Writers With Drinks, in case you're in San Francisco and you need to hear some writers speaking into microphones at a bar.

It will be myself, presenting various sundry goods from the back catalog of BLDGBLOG, alongside Tom Barbash, author of The Last Good Chance and On Top of the World; Jack Hirschman, former Poet Laureate of San Francisco and author of The Arcanes ("When he reads aloud, the words take fire, and on the page they crackle and spark" – you gotta see that!); Domenic Stansberry, author of the North Beach Mystery Series; eroticist Lisa Palac, author of The Edge of The Bed: How Dirty Pictures Changed My Life and former editor of Future Sex magazine (no connection to Justin Timberlake); and comedian Reggie Steele.
The whole thing starts at 7:30pm, ends at 9:30pm, costs $5 to get in, and takes place at The Make Out Room: 3225 22nd Street, between Mission and Valencia, San Francisco. Here's a map. That's Saturday, December 8, 2007.
So come out, drink, and scream for more architecture and plate tectonics.

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