
Monday, July 2, 2012


How appropriate to finish on a post from Frederick Law Olmsted - a man who constantly re-invented himself while 'inventing' the profession of landscape architecture.  So in that spirit of re-invention - my time and focus has shifted to my growing business, my studies, and other pursuits both professional and personal.

Blogging has also changed - and the profession(s) have benefit from this for the most part... there's a whole new generation of folks out there talking, discussing, and elevating the profession of landscape architecture, the pursuit of vegitecture, and the quest for enlightened urbanism.  I hope to do the same still, but in a different format - so i figure it is time to hang up the blog - 835 posts and 4.5 years later - for good this time.  Consider it my Independence Day.  I'm going to keep it visible, but not update anymore - as there's some good reading in there.

I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as i have.  Keep in touch!


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