
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Radical Cartography

A very cool site that was reintroduced to me recently is Radical Cartography, one of the most interesting collections of maps out there (with the exception of maybe the wonderfully oddball collection over at Strange Maps). I had lost touch with the site, after this cool post on Agriculture maps of the US from back in 2008 - and now this won't happen again since they now have a blog that alerts readers to new content on the site.

It's not a secret that I heart maps, and anyone that offers a quote from Baudrillard for their explanatory page is tops in my book. Also check out the fully packed resources page for some great links. It's worth a perusal... here's a few teasers that I thought I'd share:

Bill Rankin, in collaboration with The Center for Urban Pedagogy, Labor Notes, The Longshore Workers’ Coalition, and Thumb Design, 2008

:: image via Radical Cartography

from Artur Fürst, Das Weltreich der Technik (volume II), 1924.

:: image via Radical Cartography


Bill Rankin, 2008

:: image via Radical Cartography

This is but a taste... and hours of enjoyment. Thanks Kelly R. for jogging my memory on this one!

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