
Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Trio of Landscape Sites

These may not be new to everyone, but a few new links added to the sidebar under 'Blog Check'. As landscape architecture gains more visibility on the web, it's exciting to see more sites pop up to offer information and criticism around the profession. This builds on the solid work of sites such as Pruned and the 'landscape futures' information from BLDGBLOG, as well as the ASLA blog, The Dirt. There are a bunch of related urbanism and planning sites that have a cross-over, but very few than specifically focus on landscape issues as well as separating themselves from the myriad of gardening blogs out there.

Garden Porn definitely wins for the best name, as well as 'irreverent' commentary from landscape designer Michelle Derviss - along with a variety more refined imagery and ideas.

:: image via Garden Porn

Playscapes is related to a subset of landscape architecture (and one of those lost arts) - playground design in the public realm - from Arcady, that same gardenhistorygirl...

:: Hula Hoop Dome - image via Playscapes

With People in Mind definitely gets my vote for most earnest startup (the reference on the opening page to L+U doesn't hurt either :) is subtitled 'Landscape Architecture at its Best'... sounds pretty good, and I'm looking forward to more posts.

:: image via With People in Mind

As always, anyone knows of landscape architecture specific blogs (aside from those particular to firms and such) please pass them my way. I think soon, looking at the extensive list on the Blog Check, that these may get subdivided a bit for easier access - so stay tuned to that.

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